Saturday, April 12, 2014

2014 - A Cyclone [Ita] Odyssey

Here is the lowdown on CYCLONE ITA [Butrose I believe] which hit the Far North Queensland coast on Friday 11th and Saturday 12th April 2014.

There are 2 versions, the first with Zarathustra's guidance and the second with a touch of the Valkyries ["get your men down, this is gonna be a big one, with the smell of Napalm in the Morning - Big Duke Six to Major Tom, to a Romeo Foxtrot shall we dance"].

No Apes were harmed in the making of this video.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Ban Bossy - new small f feminist backdown

In 2014 we are 44 years from the small f feminist takeover of the Western world [though mostly in Australia and america] and 15 years on from the "monitoring" OF the Beauty in American Beauty.

In that time the leader Germaine Greer completed [bit by bit] a 180 degree flip from her original Female Eunuch stance, in fact the first flip was to allow the male species to actually LIVE [but be morphed into SNAGs], but the overwhelming mantra of bossy/bully [but WITHOUT responsibility/blame] by the feminist has never waned